글 수 14,922

안녕하세요, 국제교류처 입니다.

다음과 같이 2014학년도 1학기 파견(2013학년도 2학기 선발) 영어권 교환학생 선발 결과를 가공지 하오니, 확인 바랍니다.

가합격하신 학생들은 아래 장소 및 일정에 맞게 오리엔테이션에 반드시 참석 바랍니다.


장소: 서울캠퍼스 경영대학 B151호

일시: 2013년 9월 26일 목요일 15:00

참석대상: 서울/국제 학생 합격자 전원

협조전 신청: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TG4CyJ7ZsOFb2QM7Nsc337AuWQNcAAhUCe8pq2c0qY0/viewform

협조전 신청 기한: 9월 26일 (목)

협조전 수령: 10월 초


* 추석 연휴 등으로 인해 오리엔테이션 기간 후 서류 제출이 촉박한 학생들은 파견에 문제가 없도록 미리 필요 서류를 준비하시기 바랍니다.


한글이름 학번 합격 대학
유현주 2010104545 bo Akademi University
한슬기 2010101635 Åbo Akademi University
김지은 2012104455 Bemidji State University
박태원 2009104209 Bemidji State University
성한희 2012104309 Bern University of Applied Sciences
노종화 2010101444 Bern University of Applied Sciences
최영금 2010104759 Black Hills State University
정영준 2010100310 Black Hills State University
김소연 2012100156 Boston University Metropolitan College
지홍철 2009102943 Boston University Metropolitan College
이인우 2010102394 Brigham Young University
권민경 2012102044 Brigham Young University
민새봄 2010104417 Business School, Université Aix-Marseille 3
김민희 2010104522 City University of Hong Kong
윤창현 2010105457 City University of Hong Kong
김혜연 2011102921 City University of Hong Kong
이다은 2012104492 Danish School of Journalism
이연지 2011101529 Danish School of Journalism
임근영 2012102122 EDC
정은지 2012105343 EDC
박지현 2012104298 EGE Rabat
엄혜선 2012104324 EGE Rabat
신용영 2010104257 EPITA
홍순빈 2009102013 EPITA
김강민 2011100768 EPITA
유예린 2011101989 ESPEME
안태선 2010100223 ESPEME
김나라 2011101426 FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Science
이예은 2011105351 FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
이유림 2012101560 FHS St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences
장인수 2009104385 FHS St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences
이민섭 2009101453 Flinders University
위대한 2011100805 Foreign Trade University
박보경 2012103731 Frostburg State University
오민주 2012100273 George Brown College
박정희 2010104619 Griffith University
임정록 2012102123 Hochschule Osnabruck
이진욱 2009100956 Hochschule Osnabruck
윤지선 2010105456 Hong Kong Bapist University
김수진 2012101258 Hong Kong Baptist University
왕혜림 2011105206 Hong Kong Baptist University
서민지 2012102105 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
김다희 2011105131 Hong Kong Polytechnic University
정채윤 2011104411 HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht
형유진 2010103537 HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht
김선우 2010102370 HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht
이지원 2011105239 International School of Management and Economics(리투아니아)
홍보라 2012104586 International School of Management and Economics(리투아니아)
이혜빈 2012101648 International School of Management and Economics(리투아니아)
전지연 2011105258 International School of Management and Economics(리투아니아)
이동욱 2009105626 ISM(Germany)
이혜정 2011102735 ISM(Germany)
조성연 2011104270 ISM(Germany)
윤영아 2010105712 Kansas State University
정소영 2012102712 Kaunas University of Technology
최별 2011110268 Kaunas University of Technology
권은지 2011104197 Kaunas University of Technology
김혜지 2012104546 La Trobe University
이선민 2011104459 La Trobe University
정예지 2012105342 Linkoping University
신희선 2011101512 Linkoping University
이지은 2012102072 Linnaeus University
장상경 2012105474 Linnaeus University
김예진 2011101479 Malmö University
이지수 2012101332 Management Center Innsbruck
한다정 2011105288 Management Center Innsbruck
채상아 2011104417 Management Center Innsbruck
이경원 2009102792 Nanyang Polytechnic University
오영은 2009105397 Nanyang Polytechnic University
이지현 2012101333 Northeastern Illinois University
배재상 2008102310 Northeastern Illinois University
문금비 2011100919 Oulu University of Applied Sciences(School of Engineering)
이은지 2011101166 Oulu University of Applied Sciences(School of Engineering)
최고은 2011100530 Oulu University of Applied Sciences(School of Engineering)
이광민 2010101610 Saginaw Valley State University
김정수 2012103708 Saginaw Valley State University
김산들 2009105335 Saxion University of Applied Sciences
오장호 2009105398 Saxion University of Applied Sciences
김해랑 2012105413 School of Education and Communication, Jonkoping University
문지영 2011104362 School of Education and Communication, Jonkoping University
윤수인 2011104315 Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
양주희 2010105291 Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
김상윤 2009104185 Southern Cross University
한우정 2010105529 Southern Utah University
이희연 2010103519 Southern Utah University
김기백 2009104639 Tecnológico de Monterrey
박재환 2009100874 Tecnológico de Monterrey
허영진 2009104842 Tecnológico de Monterrey
남동희 2009104342 Tecnológico de Monterrey
김병진 2010103672 Tennessee Tech University
조수정 2011102622 Tennessee Tech University
김지윤 2012104279 Tennessee Tech University
권지혜 2011101356 Tennessee Tech University
임승혁 2010103966 Tennessee Tech University
장예진 2010103522 Tennessee Tech University
이진석 2010100280 Tennessee Tech University
박기정 2009103696 Tennessee Tech University
어지윤 2011101445 Tennessee Tech University
최지혜 2011105380 Universidad Casa Grande
김지윤 2011101433 Universidad Casa Grande
김동훈 2010101277 Universidad EAFIT
윤희정 2011105218 Universidad EAFIT
정성현 2009100307 Universidad EAFIT
최소영 2012102136 University of Akron
유재영 2010100581 University of Akron
김수겸 2011104434 University of Bremen
유선빈 2011102298 University of Bremen
조민서 2010101683 University of Bremen
성상아 2010101594 University of Calfornia Extension, Riverside
박선현 2011104363 University of Calfornia Extension, Riverside
이승민 2011101781 University of Calfornia Extension, Riverside
김보연 2011103492 University of Calfornia Extension, Riverside
류성현 2010104133 University of California Extension, Riverside
이담박 2010101612 University of La Rochelle
최홍구 2008100336 University of La Rochelle
정다운 2011101458 University of La Rochelle
방기수 2009101767 University of Linkoping(Institute of Technology)
이희연 2011101545 University of Linkoping(Institute of Technology)
이재웅 2009104064 University of Linkoping(Institute of Technology)
조하영 2012101713 University of Manchester
황성원 2012101234 University of Manchester
이거훈 2009100257 University of Mississippi
곽하영 2011103488 University of Mississippi
이제현 2010102861 University of Mississippi
이규희 2011110139 University of Vaasa
위대해 2011105209 University of Vaasa
장주영 2012100345 Vilnius University
황경희 2012101378 Vilnius University
정서린 2011101550 Vilnius University
이자연 2010101913 Vilnius University
손은경 2010102847 Waikato Institute of Technology
안진호 2008101976 Waikato Institute of Technology
이원석 2010104277 Western Michigan University
주발호 2009103581 Western Michigan University
신준모 2007104130 Western Michigan University
조성민 2010100318 Western Michigan University
이현정 2012105316 Western Michigan University
황지현 2011100372 Western Michigan University
전상아 2011102739 Western Michigan University
선지수 2012105248 Western Michigan University
안재홍 2009104686 Western Michigan University
안영찬 2008102228 Western Michigan University

link : http://community.khu.ac.kr/forum/content?cid=0000M&ceid=02c2v
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