글 수 14,922

An Introduction to Problem Based  Learning (PBL)


-Thu 15 Oct 13:30~15:00(GMT+09:00)


-Website : www.gsn.ac.kr


-Lecturer : Prof. Tannelie Blom(Chair in theory of European integration)

                    (Universiteit Maastricht)


-Class: An Introduction to Problem Based Learning(PBL)



 - About Professor Tannelie Blom


  Tannelie Blom is professor of European Studies, holding the chair dedicated to the theoretical study of the process of European integration. He is the head of the Department of Political Science and director of the research program Politics and Culture in Europe. Tannelie Blom is a member of the board of the Netherland Institute of Governance (NIG/NOB), member of the board of the German Institute Amsterdam and member of the Chinese Academy of Social Science.


  Tannelie Blom studied philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. Initially specializing in political philosophy and philosophy of the social sciences he established a reputation as an expert in system theory and system theoretical sociology. During the nineties he developed an interest in the politics and theory of European integration, a subject that became his main field of academic research. He is one of the founding fathers of the European Studies program at the FASoS, currently comprising a bachelor program and three Master programs.


  Being one of the leaders of the Administrative Governance project, currently the main focus of his research is on the role of information and expertise within multi-layered, polycentric systems of governance, in particular within the EU. Of old the literature on Public Administration and on bureaucratic organizations more in general, has emphasized the overriding importance of knowledge and expertise as resources of bureaucratic politics, i.e. of the influence and (informal) power non-elected, career civil servants can wield. The Administrative Governance project studies the way in which information is processed within the EU, relevant informational asymmetries are formed and the circumstances under which such informational asymmetries allow privileged actors an independent influence on EU policy making.


  A specific sub-agenda within the overarching Administrative Governance project, and one in which Tannelie Blom is especially involved, is the 'politics of informing' the EU. If ‘politics based on information’ refers to the (more or less successful) exploitation of informational asymmetries for the promotion of particular (economic, ideational, political) interest via the policy process, then ‘politics of informing’ refers to the choices made in institutionalising the supply of policy relevant information, in standardizing this supply and in the eventual quantification of information - and to the contestability of these choices and the interests involved. On this reading The Politics of Informing the EU is a label for an empirical research agenda concentrating specifically on EU structures and institutions - like Eurostat, the Commission External Delegations or EU Agencies - that process and provide politically relevant information.


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