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How to quit your job (and how not to)


It’s a new year. Which means at least 43 of you are currently fantasizing about leaving your office forever in a blaze of glory, a la Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire (or Brian in Half Baked).

While you should probably leave out the “blaze of glory” part (never a good idea), quitting your job is nothing to be ashamed of — especially if feel unhappy or unfulfilled.

 blaze of glory : 영어표현 blaze는 '불꽃'이라는 뜻인데, 그냥 불꽃이 아니라 펑 하고 번쩍번쩍하는(...) 불꽃. go in a blaze of glory라고 많이 쓰이는데, '영광의 불꽃 속으로 사라지다'로 읽으면 됨. 대단한 업적을 세운 뒤에 장엄히 사라지는 모습. 전투기 조종사가 미션을 수행해 낸 뒤 폭발하는 기체 속에서 장렬히 전사하는? 모습에서 유래하지 않았을까...

 a la ... : '~식의, ~스타일의' 프랑스어에서 유래한 영어표현. 'in the manner of'와 같은 뜻. e.g. a short poem a la Ogden Nash. (Ogden Nash 스타일의 짧은 시) 

 half baked : 좀 모자란, 멍청한. 직역하면 '반만 구워진'이라는 뜻의 영어표현인데, 우리말 '반푼이, 반 쪽짜리' 같은 느낌. <Half Baked>는 1998년에 개봉한 미국 영화.

 be ashamed of something : ~를 부끄럽게 여기다.

Just make sure you do it the right way…

Based on The Harvard Business Review’s survey of 300 recently resigned employees and 200 managers of employees who had recently resigned, there are 7 basic ways to say “I’m out.”

Let’s take a look at each method:

  • By The Book: Meeting with a manager, standard 2-week notice period, and an explanation for leaving.
  • Grateful: Employee (who may be leaving reluctantly) knows their departure will cause stress, so they help with finding/training a replacement, etc.
  • In The Loop: People in the office are aware of employee’s impending departure, including their boss. No element of surprise.
  • Perfunctory: Similar to “by the book,” except the discussion is shorter and the explanation for leaving is vague. In other words, the employee does the minimum of what’s expected, but no more.
  • Avoidant: Instead of telling their manager in person, the employee sends word to HR or pens an email. Soft.
  • Bridge-Burning: Employee tries to exact some revenge and harm the company, often via verbal assaults.
  • Impulsive: No notice given. Just walks out one day or fails to show up, leaving the manager in limbo.

 take a look at... : ...을 보다. 살펴보다.

 by the book : 원칙/규정대로. 영어표현 go by the book은 '원칙대로 하다'

 reluctantly : 마지못해.

 in the loop : 정보를 공유하는, 끼워주는. 어떤 일에 대해서 소외시키지 않고, 정보를 공유하며 '끼워주는' 것. keep someone in the loop으로 많이 씀. 반대의미의 영어표현은 out of the loop.

 impending : 임박한, 곧 다가올.

 element of surprise : 예기치 못한 부분 (surprise는 그냥 '놀람'이 아니라,' 예상치 못해 놀랐다'는 뜻.

 perfunctory : 형식적인, 피상적인. 구색만 맞추고 대충하는 느낌.

 pen (v) : 쓰다, 작성하다. write보다 격식 있는 영어표현. pen이 동사로도 쓰인다는 것 알아두기!

 burn bridge : 배수진을 치다. 다리를 불태워(burn bridge) 돌아갈 길을 없애버린다는 뜻.

 exact (v) : (복수 등을) 가하다. exact는 형용사 뜻도 있으니 함께 알아둘 것!

 via something : ~를 통해서. via e-mail, via internet... 등으로 쓰임. 

 leave someone in limbo : ~를 이러지도 저러지도 못하게 하다. Limbo는 원래 천국과 지옥의 중간에 있는 영역인데, 영어표현 limbo는 '진퇴양난, 교착상태, 이도 저도 아닌 회색지대'의 의미로 쓰임.

Which method is preferred?

We’ll leave that up to you to decide. After all, everyone has different work experiences, work relationships, and levels of sass.

That being said, “Grateful” is clearly the way to go, even if it means swallowing your pride. Also, avoid “Impulsive” or “Bridge-Burning” at all costs. You never know who you’ll end up working with.

Plus, when it comes time to do reference checks, it’s always nice to have options outside of your “boss” (aka family friend) from your summer job 5 years ago.

 sass : 건방진 태도. sassy는 '엽기적인, 건방진'이라는 뜻인데 영화 <엽기적인 그녀>의 영어 제목이 <My Sassy Girl>임

 at all costs : 어떻게든, 무슨 수를 써서라도.

 reference check : 평판조회. 채용 시 지원자의 이전 직장이나 출신 학교 등에 접촉하여, 해당 지원자의 업무 태도나 능력 등에 대해 확인하는 것.

출처: http://thehustle.co/how-to-quit


Practice expressions

  • be ashamed of something
  • by the book
  • in the loop 
  • element of surprise
  • perfunctory
  • burn bridge 
  • via something 
  • leave someone in limbo 
  • at all costs 


Discussion Questions

  1. Describe the different "methods of quitting". What would you do if you were to quit your job?
  2. Are you satisfied with your current job?
  3. If you were to quit your job and have all the freedom to do whatever you want, what would you do? Share your thoughts with your tutor!
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