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안녕하십니까, 졸업생 이동형입니다.

참조하여 보신후 관신 있으신 분은 연락 부탁드립니다.


안녕하세요, 미국 실리콘 벨리 소개 IT 벤쳐기업 W & Y Systems, Inc. 에서 회사의 성장과 함께 하실 유능한 세일즈 인턴을 모집합니다.

당사는 2013년 하반기, 새로운 형태의 크라우드기프팅(Crowd-gifting) 서비스인 You're My Gift (http://urmygift.com)를 출시함과 함께, 세계에서 가장 역동적인 한국시장을 테스트베드 거점으로 삼고자 계획중에 있습니다.

이번 인턴십 프로그램은 벤쳐기업으로서 가용한 리소스를 최대한 효율적으로 이용하기 위해 무급 인턴십을 베이스로 하지만, 개개인의 퍼포먼스에 따라 성과급을 지급하는 옵션으로 설계하였습니다. 또한 자사의 인재상에 부합하는 우수한 인턴분들께는 향후 입사지원시 혜택을 제공할 예정이니, 역량있는 분들의 많은 지원을 부탁드립니다.

W & Y Systems is a technology startup company based in San Francisco. We are creating our first product You're My Gift (http://urmygift.com) and now about to release to public.
The vision of You're My Gift is to embrace a new culture of gifting, which enables people to have a chance of getting their wished item for their special days by the collaboration of their extended network. We allow people to leverage their network's knowledge of what has been the wished item for any particular friend. We also allow people to get together with others to buy that pricey gift, enabling them to crowd-fund that gift so that it's affordable to all.
We endeavor to grow $22.9B online physical gifting market because we believe most people will give more gifts if it was easier to know what to give, and if they were affordable for the individual.

About Internship

To build its early community and social media presence, we're hiring people who can effectively promote our service. It is basically unpaid internship. However, we will pay performance-related bonus the interns who achieved greater than certain amount of results. We also provide future job opportunities for the good performers of this program.


The product is designed to celebrate someone's special day with more people by crowd-funding wished item. And the job of this internship program is user acquisition — creating/ recommending gifting events for friends birthday and getting it done — and getting feedback from users.
- User Acquisition : Implement, execute and manage gifting events - Market research
- Posting and edits to social media
- Collecting and analyzing feedbacks and reporting them
- Some general admin, such as promotion emailings to users


- Active, sociable, cordial personality.
- Strong communication skills.
- Creativity and flexibility.
- Familiarity with social networking sites.

How to Apply

- Send email to career@wy-s.com with your simple self-introduction and resume (either English or Korean). There’s no deadline, but we recommend earlier submission.
*Internship Type : Virtual
*Timeframe : Flexible
*Condition : Unpaid, Performance-related bonus allowed 

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