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경희미래협약의 추진에 따른 학내의견수렴 창구 확대의 의의를 통해 대학 내 의견 수렴의 가치를 생각해보고, 영어신문사도 학내언론으로서 학내의견수렴 역할을 충실히 하겠다는 내용으로 작성한 칼럼입니다.


아름.jpg  Since the blossom of social network services such as Facebook, Twitter, and Cyworld, the desire for communication has increased. Needless to say, many people frequently had conflicts with others, so it is a thorny path toward mutual understanding between people. However, the effort to communicate is a worthwhile pursuit. Kyung Hee University (KHU) has shown how much our school can achieve in pursuit of common purpose by speaking to each other.
KHU took important steps to enhance communication by launching the “Kyung Hee Future Commission.” It is one of many efforts that KHU is making to talk with every member of campus in the true sense of the word ‘communication.’ After many years of trial, the commission was formed on June 22th this year, and the school authority has a plan for a three-month opinion gathering period. All members of KHU, including students, teachers, workers, and the school authority, have a right to speak their thoughts or wishes in relation to campus life, the future, and values even abstract concepts. The purpose of launching the commission is to make an ideal university. To achieve this purpose, KHU is gathering voluntary opinions and suggestions in five spheres: education, research, action, administrative welfare, and campus culture. Moreover, the Commission stands on fundamental principles such as respect, consideration, communication, harmony, and diversity. If the commission completes its mission, KHU can be as good a university as can be.
Relative to the purpose of the commission, The University Life will open our eyes and ears in order to listen to your opinion. In my opinion, the university press shall be a writer who writes school history and culture as well as be a messenger who delivers members’ opinions and makes them public. So, The University Life, as the press within the school, will wake readers’ interest by reflecting the will of the people. We shall take opinions from various strata of campus into consideration.
We recommend you tell us what you think about particular issues as a reader. We will consult a wide spectrum of views from all walks of campus. We want to hear our readers’ views on such matters. Has anybody come up with any good insights on the commission, for instance? For sure, contributions from readers are cordially invited.
Dear readers, try to play in the square by calling The University Life. Try to express your wish, hope, and opinion. All you have to do is make your wish and express your hope in the square. Of course, we will do its part as the campus square. When you spell out your wish and act by following your hope, we will transmit your wish like a manager in the square. We hope that this square will burst with a welcoming crowd.

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